Friday, May 25, 2007

Jenny, Juno

Alright, so my first film here that I wasnt tooooo impressed with. Jenny, Juno was a cute movie about two 15 year olds who end up with a little situation....a little pregnant situation.
arg. ill finish this later.

He was Cool....... and he still is.

These Asian films are really putting the American Film system to shame. I've never been so thoroughly entertained by films that have a cute story line, good actors, and good cinematography! I guess what I mean to say is that it is refreshing to see simple romantic comedies, or just comedies not be afraid to play around with their film style. I guess you could consider our film 'art' and it is! but it is not as ARTISTIC as these films.

He was Cool is an example of this. Its really interesting to watch films from another culture. Many of the things that are taboo in America are instantly played out on the screen. Word.

He Was Cool is a movie about two opposites attracting. The awkard and young girl insults the cool and rough vo-tech student, whom all the girls worship and all the men fear. Its a great story. However, I did find the girl to be quite annoying at times. Yet, it really does show the difference between the two characters.

Its a cute story and you really want the relationship to work between the two even though you know how opposite they are. I like the fact that there can be fighting between the characters, i mean full out want to bleed from the mouth kick ass action. America would never stand for that in their Romantic Comedies. It was still a refreshing film. Purely innocent cute fun, with a little bit of language thrown in, but thats it. After looking up this movie, I found out that the lead girl committed suicide. Sad.

again A

and once again.
yummy lead guy.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The joy of a 200 pound woman

so, yeah, that sounds really dirty. but in this case, i love me this 200 lb woman, well, more along the lines of a 200 lb Beauty. That's the title of this Korean gem. What a phenomenal movie. The plot line is pretty much girl wants boy but girl is to fugly to have the boy so she transforms herself into a beauty through the good old method of PS (plastic surgery that it).

While I really thought this movie had a terrible message to girls through most if it, my opinions changed through the film and at the end, oops, I choked up a little. Its somewhat along the lines of what us Americans would call a "chick flick" or a "romantic comedy." Yet, I wouldn't don it with this title. It's a comedy. But far from what us Americans call a 'comedy.' There really isn't much sexuality, nor bathroom humor, nor substance abuse humor. In fact, the worst thing in this movie would be the one guy's reference to leaving him alone to watch porn (which, by the way must not be as taboo over there as in America because of the girls blantant acceptance to his requests). The message isnt the best for little girls at first but then you grow to find the message behind it (okok so its not too hidden either).

The movie was pure innocence. Humor down to where it should be. I wasn't shocked or appalled at anything in the film. I just had one BIG SMILE on my face through the whole movie. It's a girls personal discovery, her ODYSSEY, per se, on a quest to find her fame, her fortune, and her man (who by the way was also quite yummy).

I really could rave about this movie for pages and pages but I don't want to give any of it away, although, much like our "chick flicks" its sooooo predictable, but, gosh darn it, I STILL wanted to watch it!

Total A

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tuesday 5/22 Releases!

Ok, so as for what I NEED to see, what I HAVE seen, and just what looks gosh darn dispicable.

Apocolypto - eh. looks interesting but i'm so over the occult that is 'Mel Gibson.'

Letters from Iwo- again. Clint, I heart you. But theres something about it that just tells me to say 'no.'

Pirates of the Carribean- First one = superb. Second= Haven't seen. I don't know what it is about this movie also. It could be the fact that when I was a child (and heck even in high school) I would hide on the bottom of the boat and cry my little heart out for fear that the drunken pirate was going to shoot me. gee. i have an overactive imagination.

Barbaro- TOO SAD!

Epic Movie- pretty funny. the whole ' movie' franchise is getting kinda played out and targeting a younger and younger audience with its whole anatomy humor. I really liked Date Movie. Epic Movie was eh. I would have liked to have seen some better epics spoofed, like Gladiator, Troy. Throw those historical epics in there.

Scarface- how many special editions are they going to try to market for this film?!

The Cowboys/John Wayne Collection- If you like westerns, this is a necessity. If you don't, this is a necessity.

OC 4th (and final *tear* season)- This show used to be so specTACular! Yet, unfortunately, the suckiness that was the 4th season is finally on DVD and I can happily complete my first *girly* tv series collection. This season got way goofy between the whole Ryan and Summer stupidity. I miss the hysterics of the past seasons. Yet, I will waste my hard earned moula to add this to my collection.

Kitchen Confidential (Season 1)- Hey! Nicholas Brendan! THAT's where you disappeared to!

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Heroes finale

Wow. What a LETDOWN!

It was so weak. It's really bad when you have an episode in the middle of the season which is stronger than all the others. I understand that the show was still a freshman at the time of the Homecoming episode, and that they were trying to maintain their audience because they had not established a contiguous fan base. Still, weak.

Please don't read any further if you dont want to know what happened.

I warned.

I really don't understand how weak it was. A lot of it didnt make sense either. I'm kinda hoping that my intuitions were right. If Nathan saved the world by flying up and letting Peter explode in mid-air, Nathan therefore = dead. However, he is in next season. But where is the logic behind this? Am I mistaken or can or cannot Peter adapt any of the superpowers of people around him? Correct. So, then am I mistaken or can't Peter fly? Mmmmm. Thats what I thought. Oh the silliness of the continuity. Maybe there is a reason for this. Maybe they ARE coming back next year. Obviously they made a big point in telling us that Peter CANT die BECAAAAAAUSE of the fact that he adapted the power to regenerate from Claire. But why couldn't Peter just fly up on his own accord and then fly back down to earth, or hell, even fall back to earth in a comatose state. I mean, he will heal. Nathan can't and thats just plain stupid not to fly up.


Monday, May 21, 2007

28 Weeks Later

I jumped. I admit it. I acted like a scared little school girl. It hasn't been very often that a film has made me do this. In fact, the last time my brain felt like it wanted to jump out of my skull and hide under the bed was during the remake of "Dawn of the Dead." Right off the bat, the film throws constant action in your face. AND, I will admit, the first action scene make me insane. I really don't want to give away anything to my nonexistant readers, but the film was far from superfluous in exposition and in dialogue but BRUTAL in action, gore, and excitement. And I really can't write anymore cause my attention span is 0 to none.

oh. and the lead guy? super yummy.


Friday, May 11, 2007


So, since I have no cable in my bedroom right now do to my absolute painful suffering of laziness, a horrible disease, really, I've been popping in random DVDs. Nothing says goodness like the cheap discount rack at your local electronic/media store. I picked up this GoodTimes version of 'Hercules'. GoodTimes, notorious for their Christian related products, did NOT fail me.

In fact, the movie was so horrendously awful that it provided me with complete amusement. The animation: horrible, the story line: wrong (but closer than the Disney version), the voice overs: crappy, the music: PHENOMENAL.

The only redeeming quality of this movie was the HI lar I ous lyrics to songs that sounded like a 4th grader wrote, sung by a singer who can't even reach half of the notes without agonizing his vibrating and shakey vocal chords.

Sinema's Rating/10 for HILARITY and awfulness