so, yeah, that sounds really dirty. but in this case, i love me this 200 lb woman, well, more along the lines of a 200 lb Beauty. That's the title of this Korean gem. What a phenomenal movie. The plot line is pretty much girl wants boy but girl is to fugly to have the boy so she transforms herself into a beauty through the good old method of PS (plastic surgery that it).
While I really thought this movie had a terrible message to girls through most if it, my opinions changed through the film and at the end, oops, I choked up a little. Its somewhat along the lines of what us Americans would call a "chick flick" or a "romantic comedy." Yet, I wouldn't don it with this title. It's a comedy. But far from what us Americans call a 'comedy.' There really isn't much sexuality, nor bathroom humor, nor substance abuse humor. In fact, the worst thing in this movie would be the one guy's reference to leaving him alone to watch porn (which, by the way must not be as taboo over there as in America because of the girls blantant acceptance to his requests). The message isnt the best for little girls at first but then you grow to find the message behind it (okok so its not too hidden either).
The movie was pure innocence. Humor down to where it should be. I wasn't shocked or appalled at anything in the film. I just had one BIG SMILE on my face through the whole movie. It's a girls personal discovery, her ODYSSEY, per se, on a quest to find her fame, her fortune, and her man (who by the way was also quite yummy).
I really could rave about this movie for pages and pages but I don't want to give any of it away, although, much like our "chick flicks" its sooooo predictable, but, gosh darn it, I STILL wanted to watch it!
Total A