
So, since I have no cable in my bedroom right now do to my absolute painful suffering of laziness, a horrible disease, really, I've been popping in random DVDs. Nothing says goodness like the cheap discount rack at your local electronic/media store. I picked up this GoodTimes version of 'Hercules'. GoodTimes, notorious for their Christian related products, did NOT fail me.
In fact, the movie was so horrendously awful that it provided me with complete amusement. The animation: horrible, the story line: wrong (but closer than the Disney version), the voice overs: crappy, the music: PHENOMENAL.
The only redeeming quality of this movie was the HI lar I ous lyrics to songs that sounded like a 4th grader wrote, sung by a singer who can't even reach half of the notes without agonizing his vibrating and shakey vocal chords.
Sinema's Rating

From what I saw of Hercules, it was a tale of joy, and sweets, and joyness.
And the music made my head holes bleed.
Posted by
Matt |
May 11, 2007 at 8:01 PM