He was Cool....... and he still is.

These Asian films are really putting the American Film system to shame. I've never been so thoroughly entertained by films that have a cute story line, good actors, and good cinematography! I guess what I mean to say is that it is refreshing to see simple romantic comedies, or just comedies not be afraid to play around with their film style. I guess you could consider our film 'art' and it is! but it is not as ARTISTIC as these films.
He was Cool is an example of this. Its really interesting to watch films from another culture. Many of the things that are taboo in America are instantly played out on the screen. Word.
He Was Cool is a movie about two opposites attracting. The awkard and young girl insults the cool and rough vo-tech student, whom all the girls worship and all the men fear. Its a great story. However, I did find the girl to be quite annoying at times. Yet, it really does show the difference between the two characters.
Its a cute story and you really want the relationship to work between the two even though you know how opposite they are. I like the fact that there can be fighting between the characters, i mean full out want to bleed from the mouth kick ass action. America would never stand for that in their Romantic Comedies. It was still a refreshing film. Purely innocent cute fun, with a little bit of language thrown in, but thats it. After looking up this movie, I found out that the lead girl committed suicide. Sad.
again A
and once again.
yummy lead guy.
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