Ok, so as for what I NEED to see, what I HAVE seen, and just what looks gosh darn dispicable.

Apocolypto - eh. looks interesting but i'm so over the occult that is 'Mel Gibson.'

Letters from Iwo- again. Clint, I heart you. But theres something about it that just tells me to say 'no.'

Pirates of the Carribean- First one = superb. Second= Haven't seen. I don't know what it is about this movie also. It could be the fact that when I was a child (and heck even in high school) I would hide on the bottom of the boat and cry my little heart out for fear that the drunken pirate was going to shoot me. gee. i have an overactive imagination.
Barbaro- TOO SAD!

Epic Movie- pretty funny. the whole ' movie' franchise is getting kinda played out and targeting a younger and younger audience with its whole anatomy humor. I really liked Date Movie. Epic Movie was eh. I would have liked to have seen some better epics spoofed, like Gladiator, Troy. Throw those historical epics in there.

Scarface- how many special editions are they going to try to market for this film?!

The Cowboys/John Wayne Collection- If you like westerns, this is a necessity. If you don't, this is a necessity.

OC 4th (and final *tear* season)- This show used to be so specTACular! Yet, unfortunately, the suckiness that was the 4th season is finally on DVD and I can happily complete my first *girly* tv series collection. This season got way goofy between the whole Ryan and Summer stupidity. I miss the hysterics of the past seasons. Yet, I will waste my hard earned moula to add this to my collection.

Kitchen Confidential (Season 1)- Hey! Nicholas Brendan! THAT's where you disappeared to!
Labels: dvd, movies, upcoming